Both The Federal And Provincial Government Are Stepping Up To Promote Further Education And Training. As Of August 1st., Those That Qualify, Can Work Full-time, Receive Double The Weekly Allowance And Pay Zero Interest On Their Loan.
Launch your new career with the Academy of Learning Career College (AOLCC), where you can choose from over 30 diploma and certificate programs in today’s high-demand career fields. Whether you're interested in programs in Kamloops, Nanaimo, Victoria - WestShore, or Kelowna, most of our courses—including those in our Academy of Learning Abbotsford and Kamloops locations—can be completed in less than one year. With supportive staff and comprehensive career services, we give you a competitive edge upon graduation. Our innovative, learn-at-your-own-pace environment welcomes students of any age and skill level, making us a top choice for academic learning province-wide. Find out how you can join the thousands of AOLCC graduates now enjoying new and rewarding careers!